Truck drivers are exposed to many risks.
Is an SOS app on the smartphone good enough?
Truck drivers are the backbone of the transport and logistics industry. They cover hundreds of kilometers every day and are often on the road alone – day and night, at remote rest stops or in unsafe areas.
Their safety is a top priority not only for them, but also for transportation companies and the entire supply chain. While many rely on SOS apps on their smartphones, a mobile SOS tracker offers decisive advantages that can make all the difference in an emergency.
What risks are truck drivers exposed to?
Transport companies often focus on preventing theft or damage to cargo, but the welfare and safety of the driver, who works under high pressure and is exposed to numerous risks, is equally important.
Aggressive incidents on the street or kidnappings.
Robberies at rest areas where thieves try to force their way in and immobilize the driver.
Medical emergencies, such as sudden illnesses or accidents.
Fatigue from long journeys, poor weather conditions, no medical care – there are many factors on the road that can lead to a health emergency.
Breakdowns or getting stuck in remote areas without immediate assistance.
Whether it’s a burst tire or a slippery road – incidents you can’t prepare for. If this happens in a remote location, an emergency call option is vital.

Precise localization. Quick help 
SOS apps use GPS data from the smartphone to transmit the user’s location. However, this location tracking can be inaccurate or not work at all if the GPS is switched off. Mobile SOS trackers, on the other hand, use more precise location technologies and can send the location directly to emergency services or the transport company’s headquarters.
Robust construction 
LKW-Fahrer arbeiten unter anspruchsvollen Bedingungen – lange Fahrten, raues Wetter und wenig Zeit für technische Probleme. Ein Smartphone kann schnell beschädigt werden oder sich bei extremer Kälte oder Hitze abschalten. Ein mobiler SOS-Tracker hingegen ist speziell für den Notfalleinsatz gebaut: Er ist robuster, wetterfest und hat eine längere Akkulaufzeit, um auch unter schwierigen Bedingungen zuverlässig zu funktionieren.
Quick and easy handling
In a dangerous situation, be it an accident, a medical emergency or an assault at a rest area, it can be difficult for the driver to open an app and make an emergency call. A mobile SOS tracker offers a straightforward one-button solution that can be used to call for help immediately and avoid wasting valuable time.
Discrete emergency release
It can be risky to pull out your smartphone and launch an SOS app, especially in the event of an attack or a threatening situation at rest stops. A mobile SOS tracker can be attached inconspicuously to the body or in the driver’s cab and enables an emergency call to be triggered discreetly. This can save lives in dangerous situations and significantly increases the driver’s safety.
Conclusion: Mobile SOS trackers are a more reliable, more robust and easier to use emergency solution
For transportation companies, the safety of their drivers is a key aspect – not only to protect employees, but also to ensure a smooth delivery process. While SOS apps can be a complementary solution, mobile SOS trackers offer a more reliable, robust and easy-to-use emergency solution for truck drivers. Investing in such a device can not only save lives, but also help companies to better protect their drivers and increase safety throughout the supply chain.
If you would like to know more about mobile PNG solutions, we would be happy to advise you. Whether on your key ring or on your wrist, our portfolio includes different variants – naturally also for other sectors. Simply write to us. We are at your disposal.