Author: Agnieszka Hossfeld (Agnieszka Hossfeld)

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Znaczne zakłócenia sygnału GPS

Znaczne zakłócenia sygnału GPS

Das GPS-Signal wird massiv gestört, mit Folgen für Verkehr und Infrastruktur. Die Ursachen für diese Störungen sind nicht im All, sondern auf der Erde. Die Messflüge des DLR haben gezeigt, dort findet ein bewusstes Überstrahlen der GPS-Signale statt.

Driver Safety – simple but effective

Driver Safety – simple but effective

How safe is a truck driver? Drivers face the road alone, often in harsh weather conditions, for weeks at a time and exposed to the dangers that transport crime entails. But to offer a driver safety does not have to be complicated or expensive.



TAPA EMEA’s 2019 annual study reported 2019 as the highest levels of crime recorded in the association’s 23-year history and the highest %age of these crimes occurred at truck stops, secured and unsecured. Freightsafe has partnered with BOSCH Service Solutions GmbH to create the worlds first Modular Parking Bay, a product and service that builds on security measures where traditional truck stops fall short.

Locating and securing swap bodies and containers

Locating and securing swap bodies and containers

It is the flexible use as a warehouse or the simple use in combined transport and the inexpensive and largely independent choice of transport company that makes containers and swap bodies an ideal means of transport. The advantages also lead to a great effort in terms of monitoring and recording the location and condition of the vehicle and its cargo.